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So, I want to list the packages installed with pip3 and now that I can see them, I want to update them all.

List pip3 installed packages

pip3 list

Update all my pip3 packages

with a for loop you can loop through all your packages, exclude what is not a package and run the command pip3 {package} --upgrade on the installed packages.

for n in $(pip3 list | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v 'Package|^-'); do
    pip3 install --upgrade ${n} ;

pip update outdates packages

Just another way of doing it.

for package in $(pip list -o | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | tail -n +3); do pip install --upgrade ${package}; done

If you know a better way, do let me know! :)

Beware of dependencies packages or minimum and max versions.

Use at your own responsibility.

Happy learning,

Antonio Feijao