vim and vimrc file options¶
vimrc file options
file options
Remember, if you are using a
, you need to download that scheme. Example, check the link for thehappy_hacking
If you use this
suggestion file, it enablesvim
mode, somouse
support is enable on vim. -
Basic commands in
visual mode
are :shift+y
Below, suggestion for file
""" read first from this file
""" from " Website:
"colorscheme happy_hacking
colorscheme yozakura
""" then apply personalisations
filetype off
"highlight clear
filetype plugin indent on " Filetype auto-detection
syntax on " Syntax highlighting
"set background=dark
""" set UTF-8 encoding
set encoding=utf-8
set fenc=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
""" disable vi compatibility (emulation of old bugs)
set nocompatible
""" use indentation of previous line
set autoindent
""" use intelligent indentation for C
"set smartindent
""" configure tabwidth and insert spaces instead of tabs
set tabstop=4 " tab width is 4 spaces
set shiftwidth=4 " indent also with 4 spaces
set expandtab " expand tabs to spaces
""" wrap lines at 120 chars. 80 is somewaht antiquated with nowadays displays.
set textwidth=120
""" turn syntax highlighting on
set t_Co=256
"syntax on
""" colorscheme wombat256
""" turn line numbers on
set number
""" highlight matching braces
set showmatch
""" intelligent comments
set softtabstop=4
set showcmd
set showmatch
set incsearch
set hlsearch
set hidden
"if has('termguicolors')
" set termguicolors
set mouse=a
" Use case insesitive search
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" Display cursor position
set ruler
" Prompt to save file on exit
set confirm
" Disable beep
set visualbell
" Highlight cursor line
set cursorline